Chloride Historical Society, Inc.

The Chloride Historical Society is a 501(3)(c) charitable organization. It operates a Museum in "Cyanide Springs", an "Old West" town built by locals using lumber from the Golconda Mine, one of the richest mines in the area. Cyanide Springs is located next to the Community Park, on Elkhart Avenue. (Don't worry, there is no cyanide here - Chloride was never a gold mining area.) The Jim Fritz Museum is usually open on the 1st and 3rd Saturdays from about 11 am to about 1 pm. It houses artifacts from Chloride's past, all the way back to the 1880's.
Four cabins in "Cyanide Springs" were miners' cabins and housed the miner's families! Nowadays, these cabins are used as quirky shops and workshops and provide much needed income to the Chloride Historical Society.
Check the calendar for Wild West, fast-action gunfight performances in Cyanide Springs!
Cyanide Springs is available as a venue for movie shoots, weddings, promotional videos, etc. You will need to fill out some paperwork, and the Society will ask for a donation. Please contact the Society, well ahead of time, with your proposal at
The Silver Belle Playhouse serves as the Society's meeting place. Come join us for our monthly membership meeting, the second Thursday of every month at 5 pm.
You will notice that all the buildings need repairs. As the Chloride Historical Society is not funded by any governmental organization, we need your tax-deductible donations to survive! Please consider leaving a donation in one of our donations boxes, and support the little shops in the miners' cabins. You can "like" us at, where you can also make a donation.
Membership in the Society is just $12/year! You can download the membership application here!
Find the current bylaws here. The bylaws refer to a conflict of interest policy, find that one here.